Saturday, January 30, 2010

Genealogy Going Goth?

Hi all,

I just read a great post by Thomas MacEntee of GeneaBloggers as guest host on Kick-Ass Genealogy. I think we should take a look at his suggestions and see if we can make an effort to bring the younger generation into our group. Take a look at this link and see what you think.

I know we've talked about this before but there's no time like the present. As I've quoted before, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the second best time is now"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

February 2nd meeting

I'm truely looking forward to this coming Tuesday's morning meeting. Two of our members will be sharing historical imformation they have learned through their family research. Janet Burkhart and Lee Elsworth will be reporting on totally separate but very interesting discoveries in Wisconsin.

Since Tuesday is also Primary Election Day, part of our normal meeting space will be used for that purpose. So remember we will only have room A and, therefore, there will not be room for tables. Not to worry though, we've been assured there will be space for our treats table. ;-)

May the weather treat us kindly!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Randy Seaver’s Saturday Night Fun for this week:

1) Remember when you were 12 years old? On a summer day out of school? What memory do you have of fun activities?
2) Tell us about that memory (just one - you can do more later if you want to) in a blog post, in a comment to this post, or in a comment on Facebook.

Any taker's one this one. I posted my memory at MyGenealogyPondering. I'm sure we'd all love to read yours.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

2010 A New Year

The cold and snow has arrived. We should be working on our genealogy and organizing it for safe keeping.
I continue to work on evening programs for EGS and I have several ideas for programs but I am unsure of the interest level from our members. Let us all know what you are doing and what you want to learn and explore this year in genealogy.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

January CIG meeting

We had a rousing, well-attended computer interest group meeting this morning. Our topic was “Getting the Most from Cyndi’s List”. Of c ourse, as is often the case when talking about this website our attention was sometimes taken off to other topics through the links. After all, how can you discuss Cyndi’s List without using any of the links found there? That just wouldn’t be right, would it?

As part of our discussion, we talked about staying organized by using a research log as we traveled through the various links, citing sources of items found, and logging certain sites/databases as for negative results. We also talked about deciding which sites/databases we might need to return to at a later date for updated information.

Next month we’ll be talking about “Using the LDS Family Search website including the pilot program”.

Thanks for the fun morning everyone. Here’s hoping to see you there. Of course, don’t forget our evening meeting on January 21st.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

January Computer Interest Group

Just a quick note to remind everyone that the CIG will meet this coming Thursday, January 14, at 9 am at the Gail Borden Public Library. We'll be gathering in the computer classroom.

This months topic is Getting the Most Out of Cindy's List. Be sure to come ready to share you experiences - good or bad - with with website. I'm looking forward to an interesting discussion on the subject.

See you then.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Resolution Review

What a fun meeting this morning! We had 34 members and 1 guest in attendance which I think is great for a very cold January morning. Of course, I always love the members sharing meetings; they give us a chance to learn about each other and our research trials and victories.

Today we held each other accountable for our 2009 genealogical resolutions and submitted new ones for 2010. It was wonderful to hear how many reached their goals this year; others made great progress; and a few of us will need to try again this year.

Whatever your genealogy aims are for the coming year, may you have the health, time and fortitude to “get ‘er done”.

Hoping to see you at the January evening meeting on the 21st. I’ll be talking about organization, I think. Now where did I put that note?!