Thursday, August 27, 2009

Good Bye Summer

I think I have received my last sunburn for 2009. Now I am on an academic calendar with an elementary school schedule. I have reached a brick wall with my North Carolina research and when cold weather sets in I will change surnames and geographic locations. Seems like a good plan anyway. Dont forget to wish the Tuttles a happy anniversary. Jewel Shop and Share dates in November are 16, 17, & 18. Print out the coupon and make copies for friends and neighbors ( it all helps). Membership renewal forms for 2010 are available and we encourage new members. Do you know anyone who might like to visit or join EGS? We always welcome visitors and new members. Do you have any ideas for programs? Is there anything you need help with? We have a very knowledgeable group, an excellent library, and a computer interest group ready to help you out with suggestions for your research. You dont have to be a genealogist to have fun at EGS. Even if you are a casual researcher or just want to know who are your ancestors someone at EGS can help you. The change in seasons or schedule can be a good time to renew or revise your goals. Perhaps you can help with newspaper indexing, ( we need a chairperson ). Perhaps you can help with Hospitality. Maybe you have a story to write for the newsletter. Try it. You might like it. And others will learn and enjoy also. from Ann Braasch

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