Our first meeting for 2014 is a program on dating photos through clothing & facial recognition presented by Ellie Carlson. She says about her presentation...Family photographs are hard to date once the generation pictured has passed away. Many people have unidentified photos in their collection. Determining an approximate date may help you to know whether the woman in the photo is your grandmother or your great-grandmother. This is where costume dating can be helpful. Basic facial recognition will also be covered which will help identify the same person in several photos over time. There are some good, easy tricks which you will learn in this workshop-format presentation.
Please bring photographs with you to the lecture and we will all try to date them for you using the techniques outlined in the presentation. Ideally, attendees will print their photos onto transparency paper (any office supply store or copy shop can do this) so we can all see them projected on the screen but this isn't required.
Hope to see you there! January 7, 2014 at the Gail Borden Public Library, 270 N Grove, Elgin, IL.
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